The Marriage Postal Vote

StatementLegana Christian Church recognises that every person is designed to be loved and feel accepted. These intangible needs are made all the greater in those who have experienced brokenness, especially sexual brokenness. We strive to be a welcoming communities...
For Goodness Sake!

For Goodness Sake!

There was a news report this week about the alarming increase in childhood obesity. It included an interview with a mother who told the reporter how food packaging was to blame. Each time she went shopping with her toddler he would see the culprit food and cry, “I want it!” The mother told how even when she said no, her child would throw a tantrum and scream until she gave in to him. “If the packaging wasn’t so attractive to children”, she reasoned, “they wouldn’t do that!” she told the reporter. After all, good mothers give their children what they want.

Why You Need Seasoning

I pity those who do not have the privilege of living in Tasmania. Unlike other parts of Australia (and many other parts of the world), here in Tasmania we enjoy four distinct, and relatively mild, seasons. Of course, if you had been to our island haven paradise in the last couple of years you may not have thought so.


“Lewis believed democracy to be the best form of government, not because men are so good they should share in government but because fallen men are so wicked that not one of them can be trusted with any irresponsible power over his fellows.” 
C. S. Lewis: Defender of the Faith: Defender of the Faith, Richard B. Cunningham