Legana Christian Church recognises that every person is designed to be loved and feel accepted. These intangible needs are made all the greater in those who have experienced brokenness, especially sexual brokenness. We strive to be a welcoming communities where people can have these needs met, and find healing for their soul as the truth of Christ and His Word sets them free.
It was Jesus who taught that our sexuality was more than physical and extremely susceptible to being broken. Christ called this brokenness ‘sexual immorality’ (Matthew 15:19, drawing on His teaching in Leviticus 18 which lists six categories of sexual brokenness) and warned that this had eternal consequences because it most naturally leads to worshiping self rather than God.
While we understand that many feel that redefining marriage will alleviate the sense of brokenness that many people feel, the evidence overwhelming says otherwise.
For us as a church to be faithful to teaching of Jesus and to show the greatest care and compassion for all people, especially the broken, we must hold to the only definition of marriage that Christ gave (Matthew 19:4-6) without doing so arrogantly or inconsiderately of the struggles many people have with their sexuality.
This is why we encourage our community to vote No in the upcoming marriage plebiscite.
Gday Andrew and saints at Legana . Good to see the positive statement you are making re marriage. Would that all churches did likewise. We and members of the church we attend have been part of a team from at least 7 churches who are meeting together regularly focused on this ‘present distress’ (1 Cor 7:26) who have letter-boxed the whole Bunbury area and environs, some are door-knocking too, and are considering a call centre like yourselves.and pray and believe that these united prayer meetings will continue. This is at least a wonderful result of concern for the current issues. Praise God . as we pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The Australind Christian Reformed Church sposored full page advertisements in three local newspapers using material from the Australian Marriage Forum. We were praying for you all at Legana this morning. Thank God for your leadership in Tasmania. We appreciate and love you all in Legana. In prayer was reminded of the situation that Mordecai and Esther faced . Blessing for this weekend and the visiting Bishop Jim & Beth