home > Pastor’s Desk > 2023 > 25th August > Freedom within Boundaries

A suburban home in Australia is shrinking in land size even though the average house size is headed in the opposite direction. What hasn’t changed is fencing around the block of land in order to separate it from a neighbour’s property. Broken fences, overgrown hedges and pets jumping fences are a known source of conflicts. We value our privacy. Those fences are boundaries. To go over them without permission will be trespassing. Renting, owning or owned outright – our home is our safe haven. When we chat with neighbours across the fence, there is a sense of security that comes with standing on our own patch of land. A little piece of Australia over which we have custody, albeit temporal.

The home also has compartments. The garage, bedrooms, living areas, bathrooms and toilets all have boundaries with an access door. Some rooms have locks that demand a knock before one opens it. You say this is not rocket science, I know. A house protects us from the physical elements of the environment. It serves as a sanctuary to relax, rest and reconnect with the most important relationships in life. It can be argued that rest, relaxation and reconnecting is, sadly, not everyone’s experience of a home. However, most people will agree that a home should be a safe sanctuary where occupants are free. Free to be who they are, again, within agreed boundaries. And thankfully, the majority of suburban homes continue to remain a safe sanctuary that allows members of the household to grow and flourish as they learn to serve one another.

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather serve one another humbly in love.
Galatians 5:13 NIV

By nature, boundaries are restrictive yet freeing. It provides security for the individual, family and community. Lack of boundaries may initially present as freedom. However, when boundaries are not set in place and observed early enough the consequences could be dire. Lack of boundaries can lead to chaos, insecurity and suffering. In the story of the lost son in Luke 15:11- 32, the younger son was eager to break free of his father’s oversight. He demanded his share of the inheritance and departed to live it up in a far away land. His boundary-less indulgence resulted in him desiring the same food the pigs he was hired to feed, ate.

So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.
Luke 15:15-16 NIV

Think of living without appropriate boundaries. When the reality of a world that is not centred around us, strikes, the blame game begins. Lack of personal responsibility results in brushes with the law. Unfortunately, the common way the law enforcement authority applies boundaries is by restriction of freedom in the form of penalties or jail time. Succumbing to every wish or instinct we may have without consideration of the consequences on ourselves, and others is a recipe for all kinds of pain.

“Boundaries are to protect life, not to limit pleasure” – Edwin Louise Cole

In the case of the younger son in Luke 15, he came to his sense and was humble enough to realise he needed to return home, offering to be treated not as a son but a hired hand – an indication of how appreciative he was of the privileges the boundaries his father’s household provided.

When he came to his senses, he said, “How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants”.
Luke 15:17-18 NIV

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
Galatians 5:1 NIV

When boundaries are appropriate, we grow, flourish and engage in respectful relationships. This brings pleasure to God our father, for in choosing to serve others, we serve Him. When we ignore boundaries in pursuit of our self-desires and passions, we hurt not only ourselves and others, but also God who made us in his image.

Take some time today to reflect on areas of your life where freedom has caused you to indulge the flesh. Perhaps it’s time to put up some fencing…




Let me know what you think below in the comment section and feel free to share this someone who might benefit from this Pastor’s Desk.


  1. Emeka Walter OHAHURU

    So true, God’s boundaries set us free and are for my good.

    Thanks, Elder Ali

    • Ali

      So true though it doesn’t always seem so to us. Thank you Emeka

    • Kefas Makadi Samu

      Very true and timely,too much freedom leads to ultimate chain on things destructive, cigar, alcohol,women,clashes with the law and jail.
      May we have healthy boundaries that pleases God and make for a fulfilled life.

    • Ruth Akwara M

      ‘ freedom within boundaries ‘…. is a nice piece, setting should be done at early stage of life, and is considered obedience to authority and to God

  2. Danlami Rukujei

    Apt. Great teaching

    • Ali

      Thank you, honourable.

      • Kenneth Akwara

        I receive the grace to stay within the boundaries that keeps me & still enjoy my freedom in Christ.

  3. Japhet Nehemiah Maiyanga

    This is absolutely right, we can go overboard without boundaries, the whole Law and the commandments of God is aim at prpreserving us as God’s heritage. Am lifted and reminded. Thanks!

    • Ali

      Thank you, Dr Maiyanga

  4. Abdulrahman Rufai

    Composition was great sir! I love it especially the part; “Boundaries are to protect life, not to limit pleasure” – Edwin Louise Cole
    That’s inarguably true because without boundaries, one’s bound to temptations and as the famous writer wrote from his book(Maximized manhood); “Temptation can be tormenting, but remember: The torment of temptation to sin is nothing to compare with the torment of the consequences of sin. Remorse and regret cannot compensate for sin….though sins can be forgiven immediately – the consequences can last a lifetime”
    May God protect us all from indulging in things that will eventually lead us to temptation. Amen

    • Ali

      My nephew, na gode. So true

  5. Bitrus B Cobongs

    Amen, brother. I am blessed by your ministry, and I thank God for technology that allows me to benefit from afar. This message is on point for us all.

    • Ali

      Encouraging from a seasoned minister and veteran. Thank you, my brother

    • Elkanah Kabilis

      The words “God’s boundaries don’t fence you in-They set you FREE” are so true and timeless.

      Using the home to illustrate this truth is very apt and will serve as a constant reminder.

      Thank you, Elder Ali, for sharing.

  6. Francis Achi

    Beautiful piece with deep message.

    • Ali

      From a seasoned journalist, well appreciated

  7. Yakubu Buba Kwasshak

    While we are focussing on fear, worry, or hate. It is not possible for us to be experiencing happiness, enthusiasm or love, you are absolutely right

  8. Chef Ajaero

    On point. Temporal is the word…

  9. Philemon Tanko Danladi

    A very good fact about freedom here; You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather serve one another humbly in love.
    Galatians 5:13 NIV. It connotes service to humanity as the Best Work Of Life. Am so Blessed.

  10. Gabriel Toma

    Wow! Great word! Beautifully crafted! Very refreshing!
    Thank you for sharing, Sir!

  11. C J Esomeju

    Boundaries are important to protect each other from psychological and physical threats but can also alienate people from each other, therefore, recognition of boundaries requires caution to avoid excessive separation that can result to hermits.

  12. Amboge Samson

    I find the ideas shared in “FREEDOM within BOUNDARIES” really inspiring. It talks about important things like having freedom and knowing how to be responsible, finding room for personal growth, treating others well, admitting our mistakes and trying to make things right, serving others as if we’re serving God, letting what God wants to guide us more than what we want, finding the right balance between enjoying ourselves and staying safe, and helping us realise where we need to be more in control of ourselves. May God give us more grace to apply them in our daily life.

  13. Danladi Umar

    Thank you Elder (Mr Prof. my Doc.) I never understood the meaning of boundaries in relation to life as it is applied here in all ramifications of reality. It has broadened my understanding as applied to activities of daily living. Thanks may God in his infinite mercy continue to grease you for greater highs. Thank you very much for this topic on BOUNDARIES. Remain blessed. Regards to family


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