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Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the LORD. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the LORD.
Jeremiah 23:24

church-religiousWhen it comes to things that concern God we might think that all He really only cares about our religious devotion like church attendance, Bible reading and prayer-times. We rarely think that God is interested in such earthy and tedious things like cooking, travelling, shopping, our mundane work, or even school-work. After all, what interest would God have in such things as algebra, cartesian graphs, geometry, integers, wood-work, biology, chemistry, statistics, probability, recipes, grammar, history or geography? Well, as it turns out, each of these very secular matters are vitally important to God because each of them reveals an aspect of His character and a window into His glory! Although it has largely been forgotten by the Academy, it is why Theology was long considered the “Queen of the Sciences”.



Physicists like Professor Paul Davies, who is not a believer, have long marvelled at the universe in which we live because it is highly and precisely mathematically ordered. Philosophers take this pondering one step further and wonder why is it that we live in a universe where mathematics actually works at all? These philosophers are quick to point out that we also live in a world where we take for granted the reality of numbers. But would numbers exist if there was nothing to count? The answer to this philosophical question regarding the foundation of mathematics reveals an amazing truth about God including- not every reality is material. Mathematics works because there is a God who has ordered the universe He has created. And like mathematics, He has made the universe to be understandable.

Thus says the LORD, who gives the sun for light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar—the LORD of hosts is his name:
Jeremiah 31:35

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 987 65
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

Do I not fill heaven and earth?
Jer. 23:34.

There is no part of this universe that God does not fill. This includes the material (made of molecules) and the conceptual (such as morality, numbers, memories, emotions) aspects of the universe. Every bit of this universe is God’s!  Every academic subject that can be studied was authored by God and is available to us so that we can explore His glory! Jesus Christ is not just a great Saviour, He’s a great Mathematician.

 “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!”" Abraham Kuyper

Mathematics is made up of immaterial concepts such as numbers, but even these immaterial concepts can be thought of in other even more highly symbolic concepts: letters (x+5=9, x must therefore be 4). Thus, every time someone does an algebraic equation they are validating the Biblical revelation that: (i) the universe is comprised of both material and immaterial realities, (ii) mankind is uniquely created in the image of a God who communicates in symbols (words, numbers, text, objects) and He has created mankind in His image as the only species who shares this trait, (iii) the universe is largely comprised of objective realities (objectively, 2 + 2 = 4, this is not subject to opinion, preference, or change).

Maths is an insight into the heart and mind of our CreatorThus, to study mathematics is to delve into an aspect of the mind and heart of God. Consider that we use mathematics to (generally) solve problems. Mathematics reveals a grand Theological truth about God: He has designed a Universe where redemption is possible. Not only is redemption (solving a problem) possible in this world, the Saviour of all mankind has solved the greatest problem in the universe – a problem so great, mankind was unable to solve it by ourselves. Jesus Christ not resolved the problem of mankind’s universal arrogance, guilt and shame caused by sin (which not only blinds and deceives all people to see our true condition) it eternally separates us from God, He also redeemed mankind to become sons and daughters of God by adoption, if they will turn to Him. Every time you do a math’ problem, you should remember this.



God uses human language to convey eternal truth. Our ability to decipher, translate, and interpret symbols into rational ideas and messages culminates in the written language. God has ordained that eternal destiny of every human soul depends upon this ability. He has enabled mankind to develop meaningful language and convey that language in a precise written form. If we have the privilege of being taught how to read, we are so graced by God that we might explore His glory in His Word, His ways and His will. This is why the elements of language really matter – because they Sovereignly ordained by God as a primary means for communicating with mankind. The elements of written language include vocabulary and grammar.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1

Grammar-Matters-were_godsThe wonder of God’s Word is that it can be translated into any language and still be irreducibly the divinely-inspired, inerrant, Word of God. But it is also why translators go to great pains to ensure that they translate the sacred text with grammatical precision. Thus, when we study English (in our instance) and gain an appreciation for vocabulary precision (being able to use the right word for the right occasion) and grammatical nuances (such as when and where to use a comma or an apostrophe), we are opening up our minds, and therefore our hearts, to be able to develop a greater understanding of who God is and the wonders of His ineffable glory. God indeed fills every part of the universe – including the English teacher’s whiteboard! He has ordained that mankind can read and write in order that people might be saved from eternal damnation and brought into the freedom that can only come from knowing Him. God has chosen to reveal Himself as The Word by The Word.

And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.
Second Peter 3:15-16


Andrew Corbett teaching at Launceston CollegeThe prophets foretold of a time when God’s glory would cover the earth as the waters cover the seas (Hab. 2:14). In that day, everything shall be seen as revealing the glory of God (Zech. 14:20-21). Even mundane pots and pans will declare, “Holy to the Lord”, they declared.  If you are a school teacher, you are fulfilling a very high calling in the eyes of God. You are not merely “baby-sitting”, or, “child-minding”, or “keeping kids off the streets” – you are cultivating young hearts and minds to encounter the glory of God!

When I am teaching kids to play tennis, I introduce them to basic skills, stroke technique, scoring, and rules of the game. After they understand these seemingly mundane things I will often point out the parallels between playing tennis and successfully living life (the need for rules, the blessing of boundaries, the value of competition, and so on). When I watch a movie I often see a worldview dependent on God’s existence for it to make any sense – truth, justice, fairness, love, sacrifice for others – only make sense in a world created and ruled by God. Every subject a teacher must teach is only teachable because it is made possible by God and therefore reveals an aspect of His glory. Otherwise teachers would not be able to implement First Corinthians 10:31!

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
First Corinthians 10:31

Yes, God most certainly does fill heaven and earth!


Your Pastor,


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Australia is now grappling with a national crisis — the violent abuse of women by men. Every four days in Australia a woman is being murdered [Source]. The sad probability is that she was murdered by “a current or former intimate partner” [Source]. But added to this alarming statistic is the even greater and more horrifying statistic of number of women who are experiencing abuse – physical; sexual; verbal; financial; psychological – daily. In fact, it is so prevalent that most people working in this arena know that most domestic abuse incidents in Australia are not reported. Abuse is oppression. And since the Bible is so clear and consistent in its condemnation of oppression of the vulnerable you would naturally assume that this national crisis was being thundered and denounced as a great evil from the majority of pulpits around our country at the moment. This assumption is further reinforced by the guesstimate that one-in-four women in every Australian church is regularly abused in some way by a man. But I suspect that it is not.


My cat, Lola, had a beautiful, fluffy, soft coat. I had her for 13 years so I knew her very well. She loved a cuddle and snuggling at night sleeping in the crook of my arm. She loved me but with others she could be a rascal, hissing or swiping her claws. She never scoffed her food but was a grazer. It was common to hear her crunching her biscuits for a midnight snack and she loved ice cream. She loved hiding in cardboard boxes or in the pantry. She particularly hated the car evidenced by her continual mournful meowing til she got out. As I knew her, she also knew me. She knew I would feed her and give her pats or cuddles. When I called her she knew my soft voice, my touch, my smell. She knew my growly voice when she had done the wrong thing. When I’d take her to the vet she would be still in my arms as the vet examined her and vaccinated her. If she was injured or sick I would look after her.


The Bible is an amazing book. As we look through the book of Psalms we can so unbelievably clearly see God at work. And also most poignantly, this Psalm – Psalm 22 – prophetically points to, and closely mirrors Jesus and the events of the cross mentioned in the New Testament. This Psalm is well over 1000 years prior to Jesus.There are some well known passages of Scripture that stand out as being prophetic promises of the Messiah. These prophetic words show us that God is Omniscient; He knows everything. The first Messianic prophecy shows that the seed of the woman would eventually defeat the devil.


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The first time I heard the song “From Little Things, Big Things Grow” was in early 2008. I was trying to get my head around superannuation funds. I never knew of its writers – Paul Kelly and Carmody. Neither did I know it was originally a protest song. In my opinion, the original lyrics and melody bears no semblance to what we may consider protest today. Many will agree with me that it is now synonymous with Industry Super Funds. But its principles remain true in nearly every aspect of life.


For several reasons I am qualified to help people deal with acute and chronic pain. Some acute and chronic pain can be resolved medically. Some pains can go a long way to being resolved with the help of a psychologist. Some pains can be resolved with a hug from mum. But there is a pain that a doctor cannot cure, a psychologist cannot counsel, a mother’s hug cannot alleviate. It is a pain that goes deep – beyond the defences of our integumentary system, our neurological system (including our para-sympathetic nervous system), our muscular system, our skeletal system, our lymphatic system, our renal system, gastro-intestinal system, our respiratory system, our cardio-vascular system, our hormonal system, and our half-share of a reproductive system. It is a pain that wounds: our memory, our sense of self, our estimation of our worth, our confidence, and our ability to connect meaningfully with others (our ability to love and be loved). It is the pain of rejection. It not only effects who we are (our identity) but it also leaches symptomatically into each of these ten-and-a-half biological systems which every human being possesses. I am going to offer all those who have experienced the pain of rejection how they can be healed from its wound, and actually become stronger, wiser, more confident, as a result.


I’ve accidentally found myself enrolled in a Ph.D. program. I kind of blame Associate Professor Stuart Piggin for this. A few years ago I was having some serious discussions with him about doing a Ph.D. in Historical Theology at Macquarie University focusing on the contribution of Dr. F.W. Boreham. But I found myself unable at that time to proceed. In my discussions with him about my health prognosis and what I wanted to be able to do in the remaining time that I have left, he suggested focusing instead on Philosophical-Theology and enquiring with Monash University. I took his sage advice and did as he said. This week, I formally commenced with Monash as a part-time extension (distance) student. The result is that after my first zoom meeting with my supervisor I am now having to delve into an arena that requires me to be able to convince a critical secular audience that my proposal about the Bible’s truth claims are reasonable. Oddly, in order to do this, I have to explain in some depth what C.S. Lewis meant by the word, myth. And to do this I have to draw even deeper on the writings of a now dead French philosopher who is regarded as the greatest exponent of what a myth is! Therefore, I am going to tell you something quite shocking. It might be advisable for you to go and get a strong cup of tea, then return to this screen, and read on while sipping your tea, to absorb some of what I am going to tell you.