by Andrew Corbett | 2020 Mar,6 | Pastor's Desk
home location beliefs audios coming-up donate groups home groups MOPS – for Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers KiDS-church LeganaYOUTH bible studies livestream contact home > Pastor’s Desk > 2020 > March > Man UP! MAN UP! When I was growing up there were a lot...
by Andrew Corbett | 2020 Feb,20 | Pastor's Desk
Something very unique in human history happened part-way through the twentieth century and it has had a devastating impact on local churches all around the world! The concept of ‘family’ went nuclear. A ‘nuclear’ family (dad, mum, and the kids, living in a house with a white picket fence) somehow became regarded as the family. What made this concept of the family so out-of-step with how nearly all cultures for time-immemorial have viewed what a ‘family’ was, is that this twentieth-century Western concept of family completely dismissed the role that grand-parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and even great-grandparents have played in the understanding of family.
by Andrew Corbett | 2020 Feb,14 | Pastor's Desk
home location beliefs audios coming-up donate groups home groups MOPS – for Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers KiDS-church LeganaYOUTH bible studies livestream contact home > Pastor’s Desk > 2020 > February > The ABCs of HOME-MAKING The ABCs of HOME-MAKING...
by Andrew Corbett | 2019 May,10 | Pastor's Desk
home location beliefs audios coming-up donate groups home groups MOPS – for Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers KiDS-church LeganaYOUTH bible studies livestream contact home > Pastor’s Desk You may not be a parent. Perhaps you are an aunt or uncle. Perhaps you are a...
by Andrew Corbett | 2018 Nov,22 | Pastor's Desk
[thaudio href=’′]Legana Christian Church, 2018, November 23rd Pastor’s Desk Article[/thaudio]So David set out, and the six hundred men who were with him, and they came to...