by Andrew Corbett | 2023 Oct,20 | Pastor's Desk
THE LORDSHIP of JESUS CHRIST, Chapter 5 – He is the Creator of Heaven & Earth and all things Visible and Invisible
While the pagan religions in the days of the patriarchs, judges, and kings of Israel, all conceived of their gods as territorial, the God of Israel, Yeshua, declared that He was the Creator of all things and that He was Lord of Heaven and Earth. And He still is.
by Andrew Corbett | 2022 Mar,11 | Pastor's Desk
One of the emotional/intellectual problems that people who accept that there must be a God that resembles closely or exactly the God described in the Bible have had over the years is the problem ow Why would an all good and all powerful God allow suffering, evil, and tragedy in His world? Either He is not really all good and doesn’t care — or He is not really all powerful and is unable to do anything about it. Theologians refer to this problem as Theodicy (the problem of evil). This problem is resolved by asking a greater question: Does God ever ordain or allow what we perceive to be “wrong” because He has a morally good reason for doing so? This greater question is answered when we reflect on Christ’s passion and crucifixion. By working through these questions we may be able to understand why God might allow or ordain natural evil (floods, fires, disastrous weather events) and committed evil (such as wars, violence, crimes against people, brutal oppression of others). Especially when we view the world from the perspective of there being an eternal Judge who redeems those who turn to Him, and holds to account those who don’t. This is why answering the question of destiny is so important to making sense of life and the world we live in.
by Andrew Corbett | 2020 Nov,13 | Pastor's Desk
home location beliefs audios coming-up donate groups home groups MOPS – for Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers KiDS-church LeganaYOUTH THRIVE bible studies livestream contact home > Pastor’s Desk > 2020 > October > YOU’RE LOOKING AT THE WRONG THRONE...
by Andrew Corbett | 2018 Dec,14 | Pastor's Desk
THE REAL GOOD DOCTORDenis Mukwege was born in 1955 in a modest-sized town, Bukavu, in east ‘Congo. Little could anyone have imagined that this son of a Pentecostal pastor would grow up to be considered the most influential African of the 20th century, and one of...
by Andrew Corbett | 2018 Nov,8 | Pastor's Desk
WARS DON’T JUST END REFLECTIONS ON THE CENTENARY OF THE ORIGINAL ARMISTICEKim and I recently did a bicycle tour of Berlin, Germany. We were shown the destruction of the city that occurred during World War 2 and is still evident today. It might be thought that...