The grace and the truth expressed in the classic Christmas Carols brings great joy to this preacher who strives to produce biblically and theologically informed followers of Christ. It’s one the reasons why this preacher also serves as a gate-keeper over the songs that use at Legana because I know that most of my sermons are long forgotten soon after they are preached yet what we sing on a Sunday rings in our hearts for years to come. This is no doubt why singing, music, hymns, has always been integral to Christian worship (Eph. 5:19). The consolation that us forgettable preachers have though is that most good song-writers were, and are, biblically/theologically informed by faithful preachers. May the magnitude of what we sing this Advent grip our hearts, enlighten our souls and fill us each with joy inexpressible. Merry Christmas.



Climate change activists are raising valid concerns about the eye-watering fragility of our planet. As far as that goes, they are more right than they know. Life is only made possible on earth due to a very long list of high fine-tuned at-the-same-time parameters. These parameters are millimetre perfect. Take for example the gas mix of our atmosphere which is comprised of oxygen, nitrogen, argon, carbon-dioxide, methane, hydrogen, and neon. Our atmosphere consists of 21% oxygen. If it was even slightly more than this our atmosphere would be highly flammable and thereby life on earth would not be possible! Naturalists (those who dismiss the reality of the supernatural rule of God) fear that human activity risks a mass-extinction event including us humans, within thirty years unless things change. But they overlook one very important fact! Jesus Christ is Lord!



This Sunday I conclude the BECAUSE HE IS series. Each of the six instalments of this series has dealt with a truth about God. My hope throughout the series so far has been that I might introduce those unfamiliar or less acquainted with God to experience a richer, deeper and more intimate knowledge of Him. My motive for doing this has been to lead someone who had never loved God to come to gladly love Him — and for those who were in like of God to become besotted with their love for God. I have repeatedly said throughout this series so far that I have not wanted this to be merely a series of lectures or just interesting information for your fancy. (Added to this, I have confessed that Kim has forbidden me from lecturing this series!) But now, as I prepare to conclude this series this Sunday, I want to give you some of the theological background behind what I consider to be one of the most important series of sermons I have delivered. 

People Have A Dim View

It would be easy to think that the Bible presents an unimaginably glorious picture of God. He is described as being light. His appearance seems radiate the kind of light that not only blinds the viewer but also attracts them as well. The light that God emanates is not the photonic light of this temporal dimension, but the kind of light which only eternity can sustain. It is the kind of light that warms and comforts those who are drawn to it and the kind of light that warns and exposes those who try to run from it. God’s eyes are described as being like fire – they pierce the soul of the onlooker. When He speaks His voice is variously described as being like mighty thunder or the sound of many crashing waters over a gigantic waterfall. When He speaks, whatever He decrees happens. Everyone who is permitted to be in His immediate presence is not only overcome with a sense of their deepest purpose being awoken – to fully worship the Most Glorious Being in the Universe – but also to discover that in so doing, their deepest longings are infinitely satisfied. Thus, every picture of God on His Throne which the Bible reveals to us is a scene of unimaginable worship.

All In All

When it comes to things that concern God we might think that all He really only cares about our religious devotion like church attendance, Bible reading and prayer-times. We rarely think that God is interested in such earthy and tedious things like cooking, travelling, shopping, our mundane work, or even school-work. After all, what interest would God have in such things as algebra, cartesian graphs, geometry, integers, wood-work, biology, chemistry, statistics, probability, recipes, grammar, history or geography? Well, as it turns out, each of these very secular matters are vitally important to God because each of them reveals an aspect of His character and a window into His glory! Although it has largely been forgotten by the Academy, it is why Theology was long considered the “Queen of the Sciences”.