Both ‘adulting’ and letting kids really grow up can be too challenging for some! We generally don’t like change and tend to love comfort. Change is difficult. It is uncomfortable. On the other hand ‘comfort’ seems easy and familiar. But think about your life journey thus far. You began life literally being held by your mother. Then nine months or so – everything changed. And it changed because you had grown! In fact, ‘growth’ and ‘change’ are partners! One day you were in a basinet, then in a cradle, then in a cot, then in a bed – and were still not yet four years old! We are not meant to stay the same (although, as we get older staying the same in appearance would have been quite nice!!). You may have heard the saying that “God loves you just as you are, but loves you too much to leave you the way you are.” God knows that change will be rewarding and lead to you having a more fulfilling life. You may not like change, or even want to change – but you’re already an expert at it – and may not even realise it!

LOVE, What and Why

Jesus asked a question, that I’m pretty sure every wife frequently asks her husband, “Do you love Me?” But the question Jesus asked of Peter was not the same as the similar sounding question that wives ask their husbands. The kind of ‘love’ that Jesus was asking of His disciple was extremely odd. And while many a sermon down through the centuries has claimed that Peter’s answer to the Christ was not satisfactory, I think they may have missed the point of this profound exchange between the Saviour and one of His servants. It is from this exchange that we are gifted one of the greatest insights into what love really is and why it requires something in particular.

He said to him a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Tend My sheep.”
John 21:16


THE KING OF PASSIONATE LOVERSNo one knows more about romance, intimacy and love. No one has ever loved as passionately like the one deservedly called the King of lovers. His methods are smooth, deliberate, and intentional. His wooing is calculated and done without...