Bruised Reeds Bewildered

BRUISED REEDS BEWILDEREDThe prophets foretold of the Messiah being both powerful and yet gentle. He would vanquish his enemies, yet gather his people as a shepherd gathers lambs. He would punish rebellious nations with a rod of iron (Psalm 2:9) yet be attentive to the...

My Prayer Requests

home location beliefs audios coming-up donate groups home groups MOPS – for Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers KiDS-church LeganaYOUTH bible studies livestream 2024 refresh Convention position vacant contact home > Pastor’s Desk MY PRAYER REQUESTS 2017 has been a big...

My 5C Worth Of Leadership

What makes a good leader? At our last monthly leadership training night we explored this question. The answer is more critical than ever for any church. While many churches are facing all kinds of problems, the solution to them is bound up in the answer to our question. 

Unrecognisable Growth Moments

Unrecognisable Growth Moments

It’s how we handle the little moments which prepare us for the big ones. And it’s the little moments which tend to shape us more profoundly – for better or for worse. Being shaped for better by life’s moments means that we become more confident about dealing with life’s difficulties. It means we become more resilient to life’s setbacks. It means that we are less wasteful and therefore able to build more reserves in life consisting of finances, strength, time, and knowledge. Conversely, when life’s moments are allowed to shape us into someone worse, we become prickly, withdrawn, hard to get along with, discontent, and always in need. Perhaps if we could only recognise these little moments for what they are, we might respond to them quite differently.

That’s Excellent

I have discovered that excellence isn’t always expensive, even though it costs more than ‘acceptable’. I first heard this when I was a teenager. A former bankrupt businessman came to our church in Geelong and shared his story of how his former business partner had cleaned him out and left him with a mountain a debts resulting in him being declared bankrupt. He went through a period of confusion as to why God would have let this happen to him. He had to surrender his home, his cars, his boat and his self-respect. Under the bankruptcy laws, he was only allowed to have a car worth no more than a few thousand dollars. In the depth of the darkness of his despair he came to a major realisation which ended up changing his fortunes and dramatically altering the course of his life.