home > Small Group Bible Studies > 5 CULTURAL LIES ABOUT S E X



5 Cultural Lies About Sex
 © 2023 Prepared by Dr. Andrew Corbett

These small group studies may be freely reproduced on the condition that the contents are not altered and the author is given full attribution.


Having made mankind with complementary sexes, male and female, the Lord then declared that they were to also have a sexual purpose – to reproduce and to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth (Gen. 1:28). After their creation the Lord declared another purpose for their sexuality – to become one flesh, that is, to be so united as complementary equals in a marriage covenant that they find physical satisfaction and consummation exclusively in each other.

No other creature has this same privilege. Animals were never created in God’s image, and therefore, human beings can never be considered as simply a higher-developed form of animal life. We’re distinct from all other life, and the secular world’s efforts to make humanity equivalent to the animal kingdom are misguided and misleading…The imago Dei (image of God) and being male or female are essential to being human.

Christopher Yuan, Holy Sexuality and the Gospel, 2018: 19, 21

We all bear the image of our Creator. Considering that the apostle John declared that, “God is love” (1 John 4:8). This should not be confused with the idolatrous concept that love is God. But because GOD is love we can conclude, that humankind was created:

  1. because GOD loved;
  2. to reflect GOD and His love and to love others;
  3. to experience love by being loved;
  4. to be loveable.

Little wonder then, that many people intuitively know this, but don’t know what to do with this intuition. People may feel that their highest quest in life is to find another person to love and to be loved by and not yet realise that this quest begins with knowing the infinite, unfathomable, incomprehensible, unconditional pure love that their Maker has for them and longs for them enjoy!
