Over the past twenty-nine years of pastoring Legana, I have generally preached through biblical books verse-by-verse. These biblical books series have been interspersed with various shorter topical series (which is why it took me eight years to preach all the way through the Book of Jeremiah). As I now commence my last biblical book teaching series, through Malachi, I hope to leave a deposit in your souls about the value and authority of God’s Word and how we need to worshipfully approach it. While we all want to “cut to the chase” and “get to the point” when we approach God’s Word we must do so carefully. This takes time. “Time” is what most people complain they do not have. This is why I am doing so much background work on this often-neglected book so that you can take advantage of my time investment on your behalf. In this series so far, I have introduced the context of this book, discussed who Malachi was, explored where Malachi was, and examined who was Malachi’s immediate audience. I am now considering why Malachi was so profoundly upset and what we can learn from his passionate love for God and His Table…[CONTINUE]


This Sunday, we’ll be worshiping together, praying for our state and nation and ministering to those with prayer requests. In our Sunday 10AM service, our youth and young adults will be sharing; so please, if you can, come along and be blessed. If you’re joining with us online, leave a comment on YouTube or on Facebook and let us know where you’re watching from. 

Monthly Online Discussion Forum

Overseer, Online Discipleship Facilitator

Our regular monthly online forum takes place on the last Monday of each month at 7.30pm using Zoom. The evening’s discussion centres around the word-based teaching from the Sunday services of the past month.

Please contact Kate Smith if you have any questions, or simply come along by clicking here on the last Monday of the month. Join with others in fellowship as together we feed on the spiritual food of God’s word. BYO cuppa.

Jesus said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matt 4:4)


Click here to find out what else is going on at Legana in the coming months

Our annual Thanksgiving weekend is coming up in a few weeks – Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th. We will have a Men’s Breakfast with our church’s apostolic mentor: Ps. Phillip Mutzelburg; followed by a Women’s morning tea with Ps. Mandy Mutzelburg. On Sunday August 11th, we will have a memorable Sunday morning Thanksgiving service, followed by our annual 6PM Thanksgiving Dinner. Please sign up for these various events on the clipboards in the foyer.

SUNDAY AUGUST 4TH, 10:00AM – PS Andrew Corbett will be continuing his series on Malachi – The Ending of the Old to be the Coming of the New; titled: “Why Was Malachi Concerned About Weddings?”


Several people have asked if Pastor Andrew would consider commencing a weekly audio podcast. Well, he has and here is how you can listen or subscribe to it:

For more Biblical teaching via podcast subscribe to Finding Truth Matters with Dr. Andrew Corbett on iTunes, Soundcloud or Spotify.




The relationship between a follower of Christ and His Church is that of a family where there is deep love for each other. The Scriptures say that God sets the solitary into a “family” (Psalm 68:6). Families are held together by love, not rules, constitutions, or contracts. The Church is described in Scripture as a family “household” with “members” (Eph. 2:19) in the same way that any family has ‘members’. Families are places of love and commitment which cultivate trust. And it’s the same in a local church. Believers belong because they are placed together by God (1Cor. 12:24). Just as in any family household, God places authority within that household. Usually in a natural family that is the role of the parents. In a church it is its leadership comprised of pastors and elders, a management board, team and department leaders, and home-group leaders…[More] [Use the Password PARTNERSHIP to access the sign-up page.]

M.O.P.S. (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers)


MOPS Legana, for mothers of pre-schoolers and generally meets in Children’s Education Centre adjacent to our main building. Mums get an opportunity to meet together, enjoy an interesting guest speaker, share some morning tea together, and do a craft. See Rachel Marshall to find out more.

This year, we want to tell you two things that will change your life if you believe them. First, you are fearfully and wonderfully made… More info available at


Our MOPS ministry has grown! We need help. Are you a grandparent who could spare 90mins every second Thursday to help our other grandparents and young adults to care for a few a pre-schoolers? Please speak to Rachel to join the team. 


There has been a strong sense among a lot of our consistent pray-ers that we should continue to pray on a monthly basis. Please join us as we gather together at 2pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month.

 11th August 2024, Worldview Centre, St Leonards.


We partner with Christian workers and organisations, locally and internationally, particularly in: Vietnam, Northern Nigeria, Northern India, and Asia.  Please consider supporting and praying with us for our various missions partners.



  • Please pray for Judith Brain’s health.
  • Please continue to pray for strength, peace and healing for Lynne Parry.
  • Please pray for Jason and Shaina Jessup’s health.
  • Click here for more prayer requests.


Our church meets each Sunday and then in homes through the week. We would like everyone in our church connected to a small group where they can pray with others, share with other, live out God’s Word together, and support each other. We have groups in —

Trevor Weller, every 2nd Wednesday 7:30PM, Lanena.

Trevor Weller, every 2nd Wednesday 2:30PM, Legana

Blair and Julie Davis every second Wednesday 7:30 Riverside

Blair and Julie Davis every 2nd Thursday 7:30 Riverside

Kate Smith’s Cyber Saints Group, 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month 7:30PM, by Zoom

Tom Nielsen, every 2nd Wednesday 7:30PM, Nobelius Drive, Legana

Tom Nielsen every 2nd Wednesday 7:30PM, Nobelius Drive, Legana

Nik Sands, every 2nd Wednesday 7:00PM, Fulton Street

Kim Corbett, every 2nd Monday 7:30PM, Rosevears Drive

Nik Sands, every 2nd Wednesday 7:00PM, Fulton Street

Alex Nielsen, Young Adults group, every 2nd Monday, Riverside

Trevor Weller, every 2nd Wednesday 7:30PM, Lanena.

Elizabeth Bowron, Ladies Day Group every 2nd Wednesday 11:00AM, Legana.

Lynne Parry, every second Thursday, 11AM, Legana

Lynne Parry, every 2nd Thursday 11AM, Legana


DO YOU HAVE A LOOMING TAX PROBLEM? We have a looming solution that will also fund Kingdom outreach by offering a Tax Deductible receipt for any donation to the Children’s Education Building Fund.

+ Renovate and dramatically update the mens’ toilets
+ Construct an office block

Electronic giving can be done by Direct Deposits made electronically into our Bank of Queensland account.
The BSB number is 127850
The account number:
For Donations, General Gifts, Tithes, Offerings is  2049 9154    
For  Missions, Chaplains, Finding Truth Matters is  2049 9191  
For our main Building Fund is  2049 9205
For MOPs is   2049 9287 
For Tax Deductible Gifts for our Children’s Education Building Gift Fund can be made electronically into our Bank of Queensland account- 
 20436509   Name  Leg Child Edu Cen Build Gift Fund  BSB  124001