How we view ourselves affects how we conduct ourselves. Often we have accepted things that people have spoken about us without really questioning whether they were right or not. Someone could be told that they are overweight, and just simply accept it. Chances are that this person will actually perceive of themselves as being fat. This has driven many young girls to anorexia. And, no matter how much weight they lose, or how slim they become, they still perceive themselves as being fat and overweight. Other people could perceive themselves being ugly, and they might lack confidence when they are around others because of that perception.

1. What was the declaration of the Psalmist in Psalm 139:14, and how is this true of each of us?


Some people might not think that they are very clever, and they will probably put themselves down and limit their potential by telling people that they were never very good at school, and that they can`t read books. How we perceive ourselves to be has a large bearing on whether we reach our potential in life.

2. If you were to rate yourself on a scale of 1-10, with 10 meaning you have reached your full potential, where would you rate yourself in the following areas?

Physical Health (allowing for your age):


Spiritual Health:


Financial Health:


Intellectual Health:


Serving God:


Use of gifts/ talents/ abilities for God:


3. Does your opinion of yourself really matter? Why or why not?



You might have a high, or low, opinion of yourself. But when you die, it`s God`s opinion of you that really matters.

4. What chilling reminder does Psalm 90:5-6 give us about life? (also, Psalm 102:11; 103:15-16; Isaiah 40:6)


For many people, their opinion is shaped only by what they perceive of themselves. But the Christian has their opinion shaped by who they are in Christ. Therefore, we know that our wealth (or lack of it), our achievements, our education, and our appearance all form a part of the opinion that we hold about ourselves, but we are more swayed by what God says about us. Despite God knowing all about us (Psalm 139:1-3), He loves us.

5. What does God think about you? Write down your answer and then share it with the group.



King David wrote Psalm 139 after he wrote Psalm 51, then Psalm 32.

6. Note the essence of Psalm 51 which David wrote and write down the circumstances which led him to write it. Also consider how he felt about himself as he wrote this Psalm.


7. Note the essence of Psalm 32. What had David just experienced?


8. How does Acts 13:22 describe David, and why?


God`s opinion of the non-Christian is however entirely different. When He views us, He sees Christ. When He sees a non-Christian, He sees them. We are all made differently. Some of us have special abilities to do things well. Psychologists tell us that there are basically 4 main personality types: Driver (Powerful), Influencer (Playful), Conscientious (Perfect) and Steady (Peaceable). Coupled with this are our differing ministries (Eph. 4:11, Romans 12:6-8, 1Cor. 12:28), and our differing gifts as mentioned in 1Corinthians 12. It`s therefore important to realise how God sees us, and not to be held back by our own opinions of each other.

9. What does Galatians 6:4 tell us not to do?



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© 2001 Andrew Corbett, Legana, Tasmania
