Overcoming and Being Victorious By Subduing

Victorious By Subduing

God had appointed Joshua to take Israel into the Promise Land. Through spontaneously dried up rivers, fortressed obstacles, and seven nations of giants, Joshua completed his divine mission. God had commissioned him to bring Israel into Canaan. He completed the task.

map of Canaan

  • Note the reason Joshua gives for his success in Joshua 23:3, 9-10 :
  • _____________________________________________________

    2. Although Joshua had completed his mission, what is the implication in his statements in 23:5-6?


    3. Because of this, he gave strong instructions to the people. What are some of these? (23:7-13)


    The picture of Israel conquering these seven giant nations is an illustration to the modern believer of the struggles they face. Paul said in 1Cor. 10:6 and 11 that the things that occurred to Israel were recorded as examples for us. Certainly when we look at the battles that Israel had firstly with God, His leaders, and then their enemies, we see a progression that is relevant to us. Before we were saved we fought against God (James 4:4). When we accepted God, we were put under the authority of His leaders. Israel murmured and grumbled continually about Moses not doing a good enough job for them when he didn’t pamper to their every want (1Cor. 10:10). When they had learned to trust their leader, they then did battle with their enemies. The seven nations that they did battle with characterised by traits that represent to the modern believer distinct battles on the road to maturity.


    ones who tried to dominate and humiliate through finance and merchandise. The believer must learn Kingdom principles of finance, but be on guard against the enemy’s destructive tactics of using money and materialism to choke a believer’s walk with the Lord (Mk. 4:19)


    ones who used fear and confusion. The believer must recognise that the enemy will use fear and confusion to destroy a believer’s relationship with God.


    ones who claimed to give life. The believer must do battle with the enemy who bombards the believer with alternate lifestyles that falsely promise meaning and purpose in life.


    ones who have been separated and dwell in unprotected places. The enemy will seek to separate the believer and lure them into unprotected areas. The believer must battle against the enemy who continually seeks to separate the believer from his church fellowship. He will seek to do this by thoughts of bitterness or neglect.


    ones who start out and then return. They are earthly. The enemy seeks to drag the believer back into carnality and worldliness.


    ones who misused their tongues. They spoke arrogantly. The believer must tame his tongue. The enemy will try to destroy the believer through his speech.


    ones who tread down and pollute. Scripture speaks of defilement in only two areas- sexual conduct, and religious practise. We must put to death the works of the flesh and earnestly study good doctrine to ensure that our conduct is pleasing to God.

    After the seven nations were defeated, to the point that Israel took possession of the Promised Land, there was still much to be done. The land had not been completely subdued.

    Our Promised Land is the place where we have fully obeyed God. A place where we enjoy the Lord’s presence without any area of compromise in our lives. A place where we are undivided in our devotion to God. A place where we enjoy a land flowing with milk and honey (peace and blessing despite circumstances).

    4. But during the conquest of the land, what do we notice? (Joshua 13:13)


    Like our conversion, Israel had to come to terms with the fact that their possession of the land would be a long battle. But the promise of the Lord was that He would be with them and give them victory as they obeyed and loved Him. We too will know victory as we take steps of faith to trust and obey God. Therefore, while we do battle with our enemy, in this life we will never fully overcome them.

    5. This leaves us with two options. Which is the best one?

    a) Give up, because we can’t fully win anyway.

    b) Do the best we can with God’s help.

    6. According to 2 Chronicles 15:2, where does the responsibility for our relationship with God lay? (NB James 4:8)


    Joshua foresaw the need before Israel. He was about to die. He urged Israel to completely strive to subdue the land. In this way, we recognise that when we have made great strides in our relationship with God, we still have a long way to go. How intimately do we know God’s Word? How passionately do we pray? What steps are we taking to win the lost? Is our body in subjection to the Lordship of the Holy Spirit within us? Have we done all that God has asked us? For all these modern tasks, Joshua foresaw a military task for Israel. While the great battle before them would seemingly be wage with swords, bows, arrows, spears and rocks, the real battle was either won or lost in another area altogether.

    7. What did Joshua want Israel to do? (Joshua 24:14-15)


    We too must live in constant surrender. Our fleshly nature is 100% sided with the enemy. We are not to make treaties with it, but to put it to death (Col. 3:5). If we drop our guard, the enemy will slip in and have the upper hand before we know it. This requires self-supervised-discipline. While we are with our brothers and sisters in Christ, the battle is obviously less intense. The challenge comes when are put into totally voluntary situations (eg.’s include- holidays, sick days, etc). Therefore our hearts must be 100% dedicated to doing God’s will. Even after Jesus defeated the Devil’s temptation in the wilderness, he was still tempted by the devil. We too will find that have victories in certain areas but are tempted back into these same areas of bondage. The best form of defence is attack.

    Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained.

    Philippians 3:12-16



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    © 2001 Andrew Corbett, Legana, Tasmania
