home > Pastor’s Desk > 2024 > August 2nd > WAS JESUS EVEN A CHRISTIAN?
AS my pastoral ministry at Legana rapidly draws to an end it is my hope that I leave a deposit in your soul that encourages you to also Love God with all your mind as well. Using your mind in your worship involves being thoughtful about what you read and hear; and, it also involves being sceptical. It may surprise you that these qualities are exhorted in the Bible for all believers (as I will point out in a moment). It is my contention that with increasing screen addiction to social media — where viewing “memes” and watching celebrity YouTubes — are being confused for factual information, that even believers maybe susceptible to deception. I want to offer some ways to guard what might be being allowed into your soul.
Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.
Second Timothy 2:7
Normally I would not discourage anyone from dismissing someone’s claims or ideas merely because they belonged to a different group to them. Philosophers refer to this as “the genetic fallacy” (based on dismissing the origin or ‘genesis’ of where the claim or idea came from). However, I do want to point out that even though someone claims to be a Christian, it is not their claim which verifies that they are a Christian – it is based on what they are claiming or the ideas they are expressing which verifies it or not. For example, someone could say, “I am a Christian” but then they dismiss that the Bible is God’s authoritative revelation, or that Jesus was the incarnate eternal God! Someone else may claim that they are a “progressive Christian” which may sound like they are a ‘contemporary’ Christian – but this actually means that they are a “theologically liberal Christian”. This is someone who does not believe in the authority of God’s Word, the miracles of the Bible, the deity and virgin-birth of Christ or Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. I am not encouraging you to necessarily dismiss someone out-of-the-gate who introduces themselves as a ‘progressive Christian’ (this would be committing the “genetic fallacy”). Instead, I encourage anyone to consider another’s claims or ideas for its truthfulness despite how they identify. This is applying First Thessalonians 5:21.
But test everything; hold fast what is good.
First Thessalonians 5:21
To “test” a claim involves asking three questions: (i) How do you know that? (ii) How did you come to that conclusion? (iii) How do those who disagree with you see this differently? These questions are important to distinguish between an ‘assertion’, which could simply be someone’s unfounded opinion; and, an ‘argument’, which is more likely based on facts and sound reasoning. It is important to remember that all people are equal; but, not all ideas are equal.
Alisa Childers, (the daughter of Chuck Gerrard who was featured in the film, Jesus Revolution) was a member of the Christian girls’ band, Zoe Girl. When she married her husband and came off the road to settle in Nashville and raise their family, her and husband connected into a local church. Touring for so many years and travelling the world to perform, Alisa was unable to enjoy a college education. The pastor welcomed the Childers family into the church and asked Alisa to join his weekly Bible study where, he claimed, she would be receiving the equivalent of degree-level theological education. Alisa was naturally excited about this opportunity but as she went each week she became increasingly disturbed by what she was hearing from her pastor. One night after coming home from this Bible study, she was particularly disturbed and told her husband. What the pastor had been teaching was undermining Alisa’s faith in Christ and His miracles, the authority of the Bible, and even the gospel itself. Alisa’s husband announced that they would no longer be attending this ‘progressive’ church. After leaving this church and finding another more theologically sound church, Alisa began to research what progressive Christianity actually taught. I strongly recommend reading her book which resulted from her research – Another Gospel.
Last week I was sent a link to a 2020 YouTube video featuring James Talarico who is a charming, popular, and very likeable American politician who described himself as progressive Christian. Oddly, his claim that “Jesus was not a Christian” has been repeated by many other social media influencers who are opposed to classical Christianity and have persuaded some to abandon the traditional beliefs of Christianity. I know that many godly Christian thinkers have responded to Congressman Talarico’s rather odd claim that most Christians are wrong about their traditional values because: Not even Jesus was a Christian. I would like to reiterate many of these responses and add my perspectives as well.
What is a Christian? Before someone makes an attempted ‘gotchya’ claim like Jesus wasn’t even a Christian – we should ask for a definition of a ‘Christian’. Put simply, a definition of a Christian (based on the Bible) is – A person who has been redeemed by Christ through their trusting-faith and is now metaphysically connected to Christ in which they are now “in Christ” and Christ is in them. Note Galatians 2:20 and Romans 8:1 which undergird this definition:
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Galatians 2:20
¶ There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:1
Once we establish the biblical description of a Christian as one who has been redeemed by Christ and now lives in Christ with Christ in them, it should become immediately obvious that the ‘gotchya’ meme that Jesus wasn’t even a Christian is literally a nonsense because Jesus was the Redeemer and not ever the One in need of redemption! And since Christians are those redeemed by Jesus who follow Him it is simply not true that being a Christian is opposed to what Christ taught! Perhaps some may object that there are people who claim to be Christians but don’t seem to live like one? In which case, I share their concern. But if their objection comes from a genuine Christian upholding the genuine moral teachings of Christ which are largely objectionable in today’s licentious culture (as it also was in the Greco-Roman culture of the first-century in which Christianity was birthed), then I do not share their concern. We should not shrink back from the uncomfortable teachings of Christ (Matt. 15:19-20; 6:15; 7:26-27; 16:27-28; 19:4-6; Mark 16:15-18; Luke 13:3; John 6:65; 14:6) — instead, we should lean into them! Do not be embarrassed by Christ’s weird supernatural acts or revelations. Ponder C. S. Lewis’s encouragement not to be persuaded by liberal (‘progressive’) Christians (written over 60 years ago) :
Don’t, however, misjudge these “liberal Christians.” They genuinely believe that writers of my sort are doing a great deal of harm. They themselves find it impossible to accept most of the articles of the “faith once given to the saints.” They are nevertheless extremely anxious that some vestigial religion which they (not we) can describe as “Christianity” should continue to exist and make numerous converts. They think these converts will come in only if this religion is sufficiently “de-mythologised”. The ship must be lightened if she is to keep afloat. It follows that, to them, the most mischievous people in the world are those who, like myself, proclaim that Christianity essentially involves the supernatural. They are quite sure that belief in the supernatural never will, nor should, be revived, and that if we convince the world that it must choose between accepting the supernatural and abandoning all pretence of Christianity, the world will undoubtedly choose the second alternative. It will thus be we, not the liberals, who have really sold the pass. We shall have re-attached to the name Christian a deadly scandal from which, but for us, they might have succeeded in decontaminating it.
C. S. Lewis. 2015 (1963). Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer (Lewis Signature Classics). Distributed Proofreaders Canada. Kindle Edition. Chapter 22, pg. 69.
Did He? There are many things that Jesus the Christ told His original disciples that He has never told us. Consider His statements to His disciples about seeing Him crucified to death then three days later seeing Him risen from dead (Matt. 20:18-19). It would be poor exegesis if such a passage was interpreted as if this was said to all generations of believers everywhere. Consider Christ telling His original disciples to go into Jerusalem and find a donkey for Him (Matt. 21:2) – no-one would suggest that every Christian down through every age should make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to find a donkey for Christ! Christ told His disciples to literally follow Him (Matt. 4:19; 9:9), as a test of another man’s declaration of allegiance to Christ (Matt. 8:22), and to a rich young noble (Mtt. 19:21). Christ certainly gave His disciples the cost of following Him which they were to preach as part of their gospel message:
¶ Then Jesus told His disciples, “If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.
Matthew 16:24
It is mischievous to claim that Jesus didn’t say “Follow Christians.” Jesus appointed His messengers (called apostles) to have His authority (Matt. 28:19; John 15:16). This authority given by Christ to those He calls within His Church includes the responsibility to rebuke and correct (1Tim. 4:11; 2Tim. 3:16; Titus 2:15). And if these Scriptures are not emphatic enough, then consider Hebrews 13:7, 17, which reveal that Christ has placed shepherd-leaders within a church who must be honoured. Naturally, Christ expects and requires that these appointees do so with gentleness, care, and love. Over the past twenty-nine-years, this is how I have striven to pastor those that God has placed in my charge. Please pray for me to continue to do so in an even greater way over these next seven weeks until finish up at Legana and hand the shepherd’s mantle over to Harry.
An aspect of my pastoral prayer for you and our church is that you each continue exercise and grow in your love for the Lord and each other, with a heart for those in our community who are in darkness. I am supplementing this prayer with the petition to the Lord for you to be discerning about what you hear and watch on social media, and on your guard about celebrities who are mistaken for experts, and memes which are mistaken for trustworthy. Remember to ask the three discernment questions mentioned earlier. Strive to follow Christ prayerfully, thoughtfully, studiously, and don’t be intimidated by those who appear to confidently denounce the Bible and Christ’s Church with empty slogans and witty internet memes.
Your Pastor,
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Hello Andrew it is almost the end of your public ministry as Pastor at Legana Christian Church. I wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me the four years I was there. At all times you were very pastoral, having the gift of being able to walk next to a person no matter who it was or where they were at, which included me. Even though we have said our goodbye’s last year, this is different.
The countless times I needed some direction re the property, or on the odd occasion some pastoral advice, I always had the trust in you that you would listen and give wise counsel, which you did. There was a trust from me that continued to grow over those years. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.
God bless you in all you do as you walk for the last time out of your office and pass it on to another. And as you know, the Lord has counted our days, we will not live one more day than He has allotted to us and with those days, we will continue to bless others and thru word or deed tell of His good tidings.
With Sisterly love