It is a myth that complex problems require complex solutions! The problem with complex problems is when they involve you. Because when they do it feels like you are trying to deal with unrelated problem after unrelated problem while already dealing with a problem that you already just can’t deal with. This is why getting another perspective is often the first step to coming out of the fog. But someone might disagree with this because they feel they do have a different perspective of the most complex problems they are trying to solve because they are not ones not of their own making. This is especially the case when such complexities involve family or people we deeply care about. I’d like to offer some advice.
The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Romans 16:20
In Greek Mythology, the giant serpent-like creature, Hydra, with its nine heads, had defeated all-comers. Then Hercules came along. Each of Hydra’s other opponents had been distracted by its multiple heads. Hercules, however, knew that if he attacked the heart of Hydra, he could defeat it. This is a great illustration of how to begin tackling what appears to be complex problems: nine-headed problems don’t always need nine solutions – often they can be solved with just one solution.
For example, a business may be losing customers, struggling with cash-flow pressure, trying to manage demotivated staff, and complying with regulatory authorities. By tackling the heart of the problem, each of these symptoms of the real problem could be solved. Sometimes the real problem lies with the owner of the business neglecting their family which sets off a chain of events including grumpiness when they get to work which staff interpret as ungraciousness which causes them to treat customers poorly, which leads to a loss of sales which leads to a cash-flow crises. Jesus had something to say to such business-people about where they should focus their efforts.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things [that you are worrying about] will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
Mark 12:30-31
Complex problems always involve other people. These people could be the family members, friends, staff, colleagues, or leaders. People have a knack for letting others down. They also have a knack for letting themselves down! When trying to help someone else, don’t assume that they are already doing the basics. The thing I have noticed about great problem solvers who tackle complex problems is that they start with the basics. For example, up until the late 1800s it was common for pregnant women to die during child-birth. Medical scientists worked on all kinds of solutions with no success. The problem continued into the twentieth century until someone read a paper which Blaise Pascal had written addressing the problem. Pascal theorised that something we now call bacteria could be transmitted via unwashed hands into a skin breach on another person which could variously result in that person being infected by that bacteria. This bacterial infection, Pascal theorised, was the cause of so many women dying during child-birth. If doctors and assisting nurses would only wash their hands with soap and warm water, much the problem could be averted, Pascal claimed. But his ideas were rejected and mocked by the medical establishment. Not until someone read his paper in the early 20th century and decided to put his ideas to the test was Pascal proved right! From that point the numbers of women dying during child-birth plummeted! This complex problem was unnecessarily prolonged because people made some bad assumptions. Someone may be encountering financial pressure. Don’t assume that they have curbed their spending. Don’t assume that they are tithing (something that even secular financial gurus like Robert Kiyosaki strongly advice). Don’t assume they are exercising delayed-gratification.
¶ Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation.
Psalm 146:3
People with complex problems love to share ownership of their problems – and if you’ll let them, they’ll even transfer ownership of their problems to you! Parents of adult children are especially vulnerable to this illicit transfer of problem ownership.
They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger.
Matthew 23:4
Of course, there are times when we can practically help someone dealing with a problem which is beyond them. God commands us to bear one another’s burdens (Gal. 6:2) – not own one another’s burdens.
We are meant to live dependently and inter-dependently. We are meant to be dependent upon God. We look to Him in prayer for help with each problem we face.
When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.
Psalm 94:19
Not matter how complex our difficulties, He invites us to cast our cares onto Him – which may require us humbling ourselves.
¶ Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.
First Peter 5:6-7
Even if you feel that the problems you are facing are too complex, there is probably a simple solution. This will require facing reality and forsaking assumptions. It will mean an end to blaming and the beginning to praying. Because complex problems really do not always need complex solutions.
Father God,
Help me.
Give the insight I need to see how I can get through this, or help the ones I love to get through their problems.
Please give me wisdom and strength to walk and work with You.
May I become more like Christ to those around me and less like the person I’ve been.
I ask this in the Name of Your Only Begotten Son, Jesus the Christ,
Pastor Andrew
Thank you Pastor Andrew. Wise words indeed. Mike Sladden
Hello Andrew
So true. Thank you!!
From someone who was part of an 18 year old family business, lost to a many headed financial serpent, would have to say that all lessons listed above, 1 to 4, are worth taking on board for life. Hope you don’t mind, but wanted to give this written witness to your 4 sage Christian principles:
PRINCIPLE #1 : THE HEART OF THE SERPENT – The problems were many. A financial storm of events, out of our control, took us, our employees, suppliers and customers on a difficult liquidation journey. After months of heartache, we finally understood the one solution was to “Let go and let God”, which we had never really done before. God took us by the hand and led us, with Grace, to Rosevears, Tasmania.
PRINCIPLE #2 : STOP MAKING ASSUMPTIONS – Knowing the reality of being in business, especially over such a long time, our household bills were always paid 3 months in advance, employees were paid fortnightly in advance, our home was well maintained should there ever be a need to sell and cover business losses, in the event of unforeseen circumstances. When the business collapsed, our two cars were taken away, all extra curricular activities stopped to keep spending at a minimum and cheap cars were hired only when absolutely necessary. Public transport became the new norm.
However, this didn’t stop the danger of assumption from creeping in.
– The house would sell within a couple of months for a good market price. Our home was beautiful, well built, well maintained and had views to the city and bay which could not be built out.
– Our hefty business losses would be covered by the house sale, allowing us to move on before all financial savings were depleted.
– After extensive research, only the very best agent out of the top 3 local agencies won the 3 month contract to sell our home.
WHAT WENT WRONG? We assumed, is what went wrong!
The house – It wasn’t painted just one color inside, it was on a sloping block and despite having 3 bathrooms, one on each level, didn’t have a standard layout. The views from the broad covered veranda were stunning but the house number was 47. In the predominant market, buyers didn’t like the number 4 at all. In some cultures it is the symbol for “death” and from some views in the house, you could see the odd grave stone in the cemetery about 1 kilometer away, at the base of the hill. The final feedback from the first agent was the last potential buyer said the house “Was too close to death”!! What??????
The real estate agent – The carefully researched and chosen real estate agent was signed up for 3 month. What we didn’t know at the contract signing, all the agency’s senior experienced sales staff were poached away, in one go, by another agency. They had all left our agent to work in the ex employees new real estate business. The sale of our home was now in the hands of inexperienced staff who were unable to secure even one written offer in 3 months. Open houses, conducted every weekend were well attended and most weeks on 2 or 3 week days, there were private viewings at short notice. After 3 months of this grueling activity, physical and emotional exhaustion were sure taking a toll.
Then God brought a lovely neighbor to our door. His name was Michael. He had moved in up the hill only 6 months before with his family and despite having had many chats on the roadside, as he went by on his jogs, hadn’t disclosed he was a real estate agent. Michael had chosen to simply be a good neighbor. After 2 1/2 months of the For Sale board going up, Michael became very concerned our home wasn’t selling, so he popped in with a big smile, good cheer and the offer of a helping hand. Praise Jesus!! Michael revealed he was a real estate agent who was in love with our home and happened to be a devoted Christian. God had answered our prayers. Here was a real estate agent who knew he could sell our home for the market price, despite its number, and prayed with us each time he came to our home. Two weeks into his contract Michael had a buyer for our home, at its correct market price, and the sales contract was signed.
The whole house selling process from finding an agent to settlement of the sale, instead of taking the ASSUMED two to three months, it had taken six. We were financially broken, waiting desperately for the sale deposit to be released and it it 5 months for our New Start allowance to finally start flowing into our bank account.
Never ASSUME, but if you do make that mistake, remember to let go and let God. He is at hand.
This principle can be difficult to recognise and act upon correctly. It may also be a costly decision to make, emotionally and financially, but God does provide!!
Staying with the first agent and re-contracting with his agency, despite his business problems impacting our house sale, meant we could avoid paying out $5,000 in advertising fees. It also meant we would knowingly be accepting a transfer of his business problems into our lives.
Not re-contracting with the agency meant leaving the agency and its problems behind us, but would cost $5,000 with no house sale or ongoing money to live on in sight.
It was a significant moment in time, where trusting in God was everything!!
We didn’t re-sign with the agent and in doing so refused his bid to transfer ownership of his problems into our lives. $5,000 of advertising fees were paid, leaving us approx $500 of savings and an unknown future, but in God’s hands we rejoiced with the knowledge that we made the right Christian choice.
And help comes!!
In choosing God’s grace over money, God gave us Michael, the christian real estate agent with his prayers, enthusiasm and experience, and in 14 days the house was sold.
Friends dropped off Prepaid credit cards for food and came to our aid in helping us to load the shipping container for the move.
God is here. We only need accept Jesus as our Saviour.